Portable X-Band Radar Offers Rapid Deployment
Add bookmarkThe Boxer’s X-band radar allows for all weather capability, day and night. Utilising SharpEye radar technology, the system can detect a vehicle at 38 kilometers and a man at 12 kilometers. The system can also detect and track airborne targets such as UAVs. Working across a variety of frequency allows transmissions to be ‘hopped’, reportedly allowing Boxer to ensure an anti-jamming capability.
The system is lightweight, with the array weighing only 14 kilograms, and can be deployed two people. The system can also be mounted onto vehicles or static objects such as fences or sides of buildings. Boxer arrays can work individually, or be coupled together in a system to provide a complete radar picture.
The system has low power requirements and can be powered by a battery but also by mains electricity or run from a vehicle battery.
The flexibility of the Boxer system allows it to be used in a variety of scenarios, ranging from coastal and potential flashpoint surveillance to monitoring perimeters.