Armoured Vehicles Middle East: Trends and Analysis Report 2016
Add bookmarkIn 2015, the Middle East was a hotbed of activity, conflict and violence. The persistent threat from ISIL, which appears to be losing little ground in its assault on Iraq and Syria despite continued air strikes from the US and her partner nations, continues to destabilise the region and remains a volatile force. In parallel, the demand for armoured vehicles is swelling as governments in the region seek to boost their military capabilities and secure borders.
Ahead of the Armoured Vehicles Middle East conference (31 May - 1 June) Defence IQ commissioned a survey of armoured vehicle experts and industry professionals to gauge how the market is evolving and to identify the key trends in the market over the next 10 years. The data in this report is a sub-set of that taken from Defence IQ’s annual global survey that only includes respondents from the Middle East.
Topics examined include the key emerging regional markets, global procurement requirements, the primary challenges facing armoured vehicle manufacturers over the next decade, armoured vehicle design requirements, and the ‘new normal’ in the industry as the effects of the global financial crisis begin to wane and new opportunities emerge. In most instances, this report seeks to compare the responses from those based in the Middle East (ME) with the rest of the data, allowing for clear contrasts to be drawn between the market in the ME and the rest of the world.
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