Surface Warships Sector Report 2014
Add bookmarkJust over 1,000 (1,022) Surface Warships larger than Offshore Patrol Vessels are currently included in the world’s naval fleets. These are operated by 63 countries.
There are currently 17 Aircraft Carriers in operation, with another 8 being built; 5 countries – Brazil, China, India, the U.K. and U.S.A. have aircraft carriers under construction, with a forecast 10 year market value of $24 billion.
67 Large Amphibious Vessels are in service, with a further 14 being built; large amphibious vessel procurement programmes are under way in 12 countries; Algeria, Australia, China, India, Italy, Japan, Korea (South), Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Turkey and the U.S.A. The market for large amphibious vessels is forecast at $15 billion over the next decade.