Part IV: How a joined-up approach can tackle the global drug and organised crime problem
Add bookmarkU.S. Authorities ably backed by a forward presence of willing partners, among whom are British, Canadian, Dutch, French, Latin American and Caribbean deployments, have been responsible for a chain of major successes arising from regional cooperation in the current financial year (FY 2013-FY2014). Operations initiated by these units, at times singularly and in instances jointly, have resulted in significant drug seizures. With this in view, this aspect of the series highlights three significant things. In the first instance, it communicates the strides being chalked up in the area of synergism at regional level; secondly it transports the reader into the sphere of the potentialities that lie behind the welding of human agency with integrated technology; and finally, it serves as a counterpoise to assertions made from time to time regarding the perceptibly prohibitive amount of resources being invested in technological research and development, and ploughed seemingly exclusively, into force projection.