Naval Combat Systems: Market Report 2015
Add bookmarkNaval Combat Systems include Weapon, Sensor, Communications and EW Systems and can constitute well over 50% by value of the cost of warships and submarines.
The Market for Naval Surface-to-Air Missile Systems and Naval Air Surveillance and Tracking Radars, for example, is forecast to exceed $10 billion over the next 10 years. Meanwhile, the Market for Naval Sensors is forecast at over $20 Billion in the next decade. These sensors include Electro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR) Systems.
Relatively few navies have so far embraced the IRST as a part of their above-water sensor mix. However, two factors – one technological, one operational – are now rebalancing the equation. First, technology is witnessing a step change with the emergence of a new generation of staring-array IRSTs using distributed sensor apertures to overcome ship-fitting constraints and provide uninterrupted omnidirectional surveillance, wide elevation coverage and rapid data refresh.
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