Office of the President of the United States: International Strategy for Cyberspace
Add bookmarkThe United States will work with like-minded states to establish an environment of expectations, or norms of behavior, that ground foreign and defense policies and guide international partnerships. The last two decades have seen the swift and unprecedented growth of the Internet as a social medium; the growing reliance of societies on networked information systems to control critical infrastructures and communications systems essential to modern life; and increasing evidence that governments are seeking to exercise traditional national power through cyberspace. These events have not been matched by clearly agreed-upon norms for acceptable state behavior in cyberspace. To bridge that gap, we will work to build a consensus on what constitutes acceptable behavior, and a partnership among those who view the functioning of these systems as essential to the national and collective interest.
If you're interested in the future of international cyber regulation, check out our Cyber Warfare Online event, to be held on 13 June - 8 July 2011. Click here to read the agenda.