The world’s only Night Vision conference focusing solely upon handheld Night Vision applications.
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The world’s only Night Vision conference focusing solely upon handheld Night Vision applications.
Militaries from around the globe will be speaking at Night Vision and Thermal Optics 2014, a two-day conference with a strategic focus on handheld capabilities, providing analysis of the latest opportunities in night vision, thermal imaging and infrared technology.
The conference, hosted by Defence IQ – a division of global events company IQPC – will provide senior military officers with an exclusive arena todiscover the latest developments that are influencing the future capability plans for handheld night vision applications.
It will explore key questions affecting the handheld I2 community; for example how to reduce SWAP demands and should sensors do more to help facilitate target acquisition? Is integration to a digital battle space the way forward in improving situational awareness, or does the added weight and technical demands negate the benefits it brings?
Experts who will be sharing their operational experiences, breakthrough developments, requirements and future capability plans in I2, TI and IR technology, include:
- Colonel (rtd.) Steven Fisher, Marine Corps War fighting Lab Liaison Officer, First Marine Expeditionary Force, United States Marine Corps
- Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Woodburn, Infantry Weapons and Optics, Manoeuvre Branch, Fires and Manoeuvre Integration Division, United States Marine Corps
- Major Nick French, Infantry Trials and Development Unit, British Army
- Captain Coelho Cãndido, Regional and Local Commander in Lisbon, Capt. of Lisbon Port, Portuguese Maritime Authority
- Senior Executive Officer Kristian Todal, Project Manager Night Vision, Norwegian Defence Logistic Organisation
- Dr Thomas Svensson, Senior Researcher, FOI Sweden
Night Vision and Thermal Optics 2014will take place on 15th – 17th September 2014 in London, UK. Find the full programme, speaker panel and registration form at, call +44 (0)20 7368 9737 or email
Media contact: Jane Cook, +44 (0)20 7368 9327, or visit
Press are invited to attend this important forum. If you would like a complimentary press pass please email Jane Cook at