Military E-Learning & Smart Devices - Europe’s only conference dedicated to military use of smart devices for e-learning and simulation
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Europe’s only conference dedicated to the military use of smart devices for e-learning and simulation. With representation from the US, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, the UK and more.
Smart devices, apps and the cloud – these are the new realities defining how and where people access Information Technology. The past 5 years have seen more technology changes than the previous 20 years, with the unstoppable rise of smartphone and tablet form-factors being the visible aspects of this revolution.
These devices have permeated throughout the business world and home life but what about the defence sector? Can the military utilise smart devices for the education and training of their service personnel and even apply the technology for use on operations?
Defence IQ - a division of global events company IQPC - is holding its inaugural Military E-Learning & Smart Devices Conference, to support you – the pioneers using e-learning, simulation techniques & smart devices, for the training of military personnel. This tri-service event, the only conference dedicated to the military use of smart devices for e-learning and simulation in Europe, will provide you with the chance to share best practice in what remains a relatively new and innovative side of defence capability.
"Through discussion, debate, case studies and lessons learnt, the innovators at National Defence Universities and military learning practitioners will benefit from a clear understanding of the best path to balancing capability and affordability in choosing a platform or a piece of technology that delivers optimal training effectiveness tailored to their own unique needs."
Will James, Event Director
Our international speaker line-up includes:
- Mike McCarthy, Director of Operations, US Army Brigade Modernization Command
- Professor James E. Hickey, Director, College of Distance Education, US Naval War College
- Captain Dr. Piotr Gawliczek, Head of Innovation, National Defence University of Poland
- Colonel Sora, Head of Distributed Learning, NATO Defence College
- Commander Geir Isaksen, Staff Officer ADL, The Norwegian Defense College/ADL Office
- Lieutenant Colonel Poczekalewicz, Chief of ADL Team, National Defence University of Poland
- Major Tuomas Tihula, ADL Project Manager, Finnish Defence Forces
- Major Tohmas Ax, ADL Project Manager, Swedish Armed Forces
- Jaekil Lee, Director, South Korean ADL Partnership Lab
Ion Robu, Chief of Advanced Distributed Learning Service, Military Academy of Moldova
Military E-Learning and Smart Devices will take place on 21-23rd October 2014 in London, UK. Find the full programme, speaker list and registration form at, call +44 (0)20 7368 9737 or email
Media contact: Kerry Lenihan, +44 (0)20 7368 9592, or visit
Press are invited to attend this first of its kind conference. If you would like a complimentary press pass please email Kerry Lenihan at