New START Treaty officially entered into force with the exchange of Instruments of Ratification between Secretary Clinton and Foreign Minister Lavrov in Munich on February 5, 2011. The entry into force of the New START Treaty sets into motion a number of requirements which are outlined below.
The exchange of all Treaty-required notifications now begins. The initial exchange of the databases is required 45 days after entry into force. The databases will include information on numbers, locations, and technical characteristics of weapons systems and facilities that are subject to the Treaty, and updated thereafter via notifications of data changes. The Parties have the right to conduct on-site inspections beginning 60 days after the Treaty’s entry into force. During the 60-day period between entry into force and the first on-site inspections, detailed planning and preparation—as well as any necessary technical exhibitions—will take place.
New START Treaty Limits
Deployed Strategic Nuclear Warheads: 1,550
Deployed and Non-Deployed Strategic Launchers and Heavy Bombers: 800
Deployed Strategic Launchers and Heavy Bombers: 700
Timing for New START Treaty Implementation
April 8, 2010: New START Treaty signed by the United States and Russia
May 2010: Parties exchanged lists of facilities subject to inspection and provided inspection site diagrams
December 22, 2010: United States Senate gives its advice and consent to the ratification of the New START Treaty
January 26, 2011: Russia completes its domestic ratification process and approves the New START Treaty
February 5, 2011: Instruments of ratification are exchanged and the New START Treaty enters into force.
Entry into Force (EIF)
No later than (NLT) 5 days after EIF: Exchange Inspection Airplane Information
Parties will exchange lists of the types of airplanes they intend to use for transportation of inspectors to the points of entry.
NLT 25 days after EIF: Exchange Lists of Inspectors and Aircrew Members
Parties will exchange their initial lists of inspectors and aircrew members.
NLT 45 days after EIF: Exchange Databases
The databases will include information as of the date of entry into force of the Treaty on numbers, locations, and technical characteristics of weapons systems and facilities that are subject to the Treaty.
NLT 60 days after EIF: Exhibition: Strategic Offensive Arms
If a Party declares a type, variant, or version of a strategic offensive arm (SOA) that was not exhibited in connection with the START Treaty, that Party will conduct an exhibition of that SOA. These exhibitions will demonstrate and confirm the features and technical characteristics of these new SOAs. Examples of SOAs that must be exhibited are the B-2A heavy bomber for the United States and the RS-24 ICBM for Russia.
60 days after EIF: Right to Conduct Inspection Activities Begins
The Treaty provides for 18 on-site inspections per year. There are two basic types of inspections. Type One inspections focus on sites with deployed and non-deployed strategic offensive arms. Permitted inspection activities include confirming the accuracy of declared data on deployed and non-deployed strategic offensive arms, the number of warheads located on designated deployed ICBMs and deployed SLBMs, and confirming the number of nuclear armaments declared to be on designated deployed heavy bombers.
Type Two inspections focus on sites with non-deployed strategic offensive arms. Type Two inspections can also involve confirming the conversion or elimination of strategic offensive arms, and confirming that certain facilities have been eliminated. Each side is allowed to conduct ten Type One inspections and eight Type Two inspections annually.
NLT 120 days after EIF: Exhibition: Heavy Bombers at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
The United States will conduct a one-time exhibition of each type of environmentally-sealed deployed heavy bombers located at the storage facility at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona.
NLT 180 days after EIF: Initial Demonstration of Telemetry Playback Equipment
Each Party will conduct an initial demonstration of recording media and playback equipment for telemetric information from such media. Telemetric information is information that originates on a missile during its initial motion and subsequent flight that is broadcast.
NLT 225 days after EIF: Exchange Updated Databases
Parties will exchange updated databases. Parties will then exchange updated databases every six months for the duration of the Treaty.
NLT 1 year after EIF: Exhibition: B-1B Heavy Bomber
The United States will conduct a one-time exhibition of a B-1B heavy bomber equipped with non-nuclear armaments to demonstrate that the B-1B heavy bomber is no longer capable of employing nuclear armaments.
NLT 3 years after EIF: Exhibition: Previously Converted Missile Launchers
The United States will conduct a one-time exhibition of four submarines known as "SSGNs," which are equipped with launchers of cruise missiles and converted from nuclear ballistic missile submarines, in order to provide assurances that these SSGNs are incapable of launching SLBMs.
The United States will conduct a one-time exhibition of the five converted ICBM launcher silos at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, now being used as missile defense interceptor launchers. This exhibition will demonstrate that these launchers are no longer capable of launching ICBMs, as well as to determine the features that distinguish a converted silo launcher from an unconverted silo launcher.
NLT 7 years after EIF: Meet Central Treaty Limits
Parties must meet the limits laid out in Article II of the Treaty for deployed strategic warheads, and deployed and non-deployed strategic delivery vehicles and launchers.
10 years after EIF: Treaty expires unless the Parties agree to extend for up to five years