Survey: Protecting armed forces from UAVs?
Add bookmarkAre you concerned about the growing risk of unmanned aerial systems among insurgents and other adversaries? Do you believe more needs to be done to protect bases and personnel at home and in theatre from these systems?
Following our recent survey on the threat of drones to civilian sites, we are now exploring the UAS risks to military bases and personnel, be it at home or overseas. Recent incidents in the Middle East have seen commercial drones adapted by Daesh fighters to carry the likes of cameras and hand-grenades. Given the likelihood of this threat to evolve in the near future, are we at risk of falling behind the curve when it comes to delivering reliable protection?
Ahead of the upcoming Countering UAS conference, we are asking our readers to help us understand the level of security preparedness across international armed forces wherever people or assets may be vulnerable. The survey is just 6 easy questions, so please take a minute to bring real insight to the threat landscape...