AEW Market Report 2009
Add bookmarkAlthough Airborne Early Warning and Control platforms make something of a "niche" market, the scale of investment required to develop an effective AEW&C capability is substantial–so temptations to ignore the sector as small are inherently risky. The full scale of the market is amply revealed in the Defence IQ "AEW Market Report 2009," which highlights the major developments, procurements, upgrades and enhancements that are taking place across the 25 (approx.) forces that operate an AEW&C capability.
The report easily identifies the "big time" players of the United States, United Kingdom, France and NATO AEW Force who operate the primary Western platform: E-3 Sentry/AWACS and E-2 Hawkeye. With such established forces, the principal market opportunities here lie in upgrades to existing systems or in establishing linkages with other capabilities throughout the Joint ISR spectrum. The advent of the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye will represent a major step change for the U.S. Navy and it will be interesting to observe the export success of this aircraft.
Likely target nations for export for the E-2D and other platforms could include Egypt, France, Mexico, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore–should any of these nations choose to update their existing E-2 fleets. But other nations such as Brazil, Greece, Saudi Arabia and the UAE make for competitive market places, where the Israeli’s Phalcon and Sweden’s Erieye and Embraer will all battle it out for valuable contracts.
This report looks at all the likely prospective customer nations and gives programme updates on Australia’s Wedgetail and Japan’s E-767 and takes a brief look at both Chinese and Russian AEW.
Free to download, this is a handy reference guide to an active area of capability development for many nations and useful snapshot into the most interesting areas of opportunity in the AEW sector.
If you enjoyed this report, then you may also be interested in Defence IQ’s Airborne Early Warning and Battle Management conference, where many of the requirements and programme updates featured in this report will be discussed by a panel of international military experts.