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Warship Market Report 2023-2028

Warship Market Report 2023-2028

Cumulatively, the Warships market for the 14 most active nations is set to value almost US$148 billion with the US leading the way with 63% of the total market. This market report delves into the trends and programmes of the largest warship markets by continent

Warships; Their Subsystems, and Organic Unmanned Platforms Selected Countries Market Report 2024-2029

Warships; Their Subsystems, and Organic Unmanned Platforms Selected Countries Market Report 2024-2029

Protection of sea routes and infrastructure remains a top priority for many players on the world stage. Nations continue to face old challenges, such as the vastness of the oceans and new ones, as more underwater infrastructure is built and relied on. As a result, Navies worldwide continue to invest in new technologies and programmes. In preparation for our Surface, Air, and Seabed Warfare conference, we are publishing our market report covering programmes covering:

  • Large surface combatants
  • Naval systems employed on surface combatants
  • Uncrewed platforms
Auxiliary Sea Power

Auxiliary Sea Power

In near-peer competition, the logistical element is arguably the crux that all operations hinder. The nature of peer/near-peer competition creates challenges for logisticians that need answers in the air, on land, and at sea. In this interview, Commodore David Eagles delves into the latest developments within the UK’s Royal Fleet Auxiliary, touching on trends and the latest programmes for the Royal Navy.

Building the French Seabed Strategy, by Rear Admiral Eric Lavault, Head of Seabed Control, French Navy

Building the French Seabed Strategy, by Rear Admiral Eric Lavault, Head of Seabed Control, French Navy

Defence iQ interviewed Rear Admiral Lavault, Head of Seabed Control for the French Navy, about France’s Seabed Warfare Strategy which defines the Seabed as its own domain of operations. Changing geopolitical realities and the rise of novel technologies that both threaten and secure underwater critical national infrastructure have led the French to review their approach to the Seabed. In this interview, the Admiral covers:

  • The status of the strategy
  • The implications of the strategy
  • Trends and industry engagement
A Tale of Two Frigates, Thoughts on the UK's National Shipbuilding Strategy

A Tale of Two Frigates, Thoughts on the UK's National Shipbuilding Strategy

The UK is currently undergoing transformation in its shipbuilding strategy. Few military topics have been as contentious politically, economically, and socially. Above all issues, security in the maritime domain remain paramount to the United Kingdom. This poses the challenge to the governments in power to get it right. In the past, being overbudget and late was all too common and this called for a rethink. In this article thoughts are shared on the current evolution the shipbuilding strategy and what this means for future warships.

Building Bridges: Navies, Networks, and Novel Technologies by Commander Dan Weil, UK Director of London Tech Bridge -NavalX

Building Bridges: Navies, Networks, and Novel Technologies by Commander Dan Weil, UK Director of London Tech Bridge -NavalX

The importance of partnerships between industry, academia, and forces cannot be understated. In an age characterised by technological disruption, these partnerships ensure that forces can keep up with the high demands of the battlefield. The Tech Bridge takes this one step further by creating a forum where technology providers connect with the appropriate people within the US and UK Navies to find solutions to their current and future challenges. We were very privileged to receive this article from the Royal Navy’s Commander Daniel Weil, UK co-director of London Tech Bridge, who explains:

  • The mission of the Tech Bridge
  • The composition of the Tech Bridge
  • How the Tech Bridge operates