
Download the 2023 Agenda

Download the 2023 Agenda

Military Radar is returning to London this June for the 16th edition, and will be discussing modern and future radar systems, on land at sea and in the air, and will bring together senior responsible officers of radar systems, academics specialising in radar systems and industry leaders.

Benefits of attending include:

  • Equip your forces with constant operational readiness by developing cognitive and autonomous radar systems
  • Understand how civilian and military resources can coordinate to take maximum advantage of a congested airspace
  • Hear from key thought leaders in the Radar community including the latest challenges and requirements for the next generation of radar technology
  • Deliver maximum situational awareness for your operators by developing airborne and seaborne radar platforms
  • Maximise radar’s utility as a force multiplier by developing multi-system platforms

This is the first year the conference will be co-located with Full Spectrum Air Defence Forum and Directive Energy Weapons Forum! There will be a greater focus on the lessons learnt from military operators of radar systems and how multi-mode radar systems enhance capabilities whilst reducing costs.

Download the agenda to learn more!