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Market Insight and Exclusive Interview e-Book

Ahead of the MEDEVAC 2015 event in London this October, Defence IQ has collated a number of interviews and analytical articles to offer an overview of the contemporary challenges and recent developments in the medevac community. Download this e-Book to read insights on “the platinum 10 minutes,” the medical response situation in Nigeria, and more…

Royal Danish Air Force Case Study - The benefits and challenges of in-flight medevac operations

The Royal Danish Air Force’s Air Transport Wing is developing a revolutionary new approach to in-flight medical evacuation that could make a lasting impact on the treatment of soldiers and help save lives. Both Dr Claus Lie, Head of the RDAF airevac squadron, and Dr Jean-Michel Ferrieux are leading the development of medevac containers, or modules, that can be loaded into the cargo bay of an aircraft to act as a kind of mobile medical ward.

Medevac Outlook for 2026

Based on a survey of medevac and casevac professionals, this infographic gives an indication of what technologies, equipment and resources will shape the market over the next decade.  There are some extremely illuminating facts, download today!

MedEvac Trends: In the spotlight with Paul Florin Brigadier General (Ret)

After gathering the insights from a base of medevac and casevac professionals on the future of the medevac arena, Defence IQ spoke to Paul Florin - Brigadier General (Ret) - Former Chief Medical Officer, UNIFIL / UNSOA / UNAVEM on a range of points raised by the research.

Giving MEDEVAC units room to breathe

In the British Army, at least one in four soldiers is an army team medic, carrying with them both the equipment to stem excessive bleeding and the advanced skills required to manage a situation on the ground. However, amid serious conditions, it is often up to the Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) to not only transit the injured to a medical facility but to also provide care in-flight, effectively mobilising the resuscitation ward to the wounded...

The Answer to Aeromedical Response in Nigeria

While the Nigerian government’s resources to deal with the dual crisis of violent conflict and an outbreak of the Ebola virus, one private company has proved itself to be able to revolutionise healthcare access in the country, establishing an air ambulance capability that has airlifted over 500 patients to safety. Read more about Flying Doctors Nigeria Ltd and what current challenges are demanding innovative solutions and feedback...

Red Cross: Saving the lives of the life-savers

Those who practice medicine in the battlefield routinely and voluntarily put their lives on the line. However, as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is quick to point out, that does not mean those practitioners are exempt from the right, the need, nor the expectation for protection. If anything, those in the field conducting humanitarian aid missions are meant to be some of the most protected of all, working as they do to indiscriminately save the lives of any wounded person or victim of war. While there are laws that govern this protection, a lack of understanding or of concern across many regions torn apart by violent struggle means that protection is far from guaranteed...

The disaster and medical preparedness of the Queen Astrid Military Hospital in the case of terrorist attack in Brussels

• Dispatching patients among the neighbor civilian hospitals

• Ensuring the safety of Belgian military medical personnel

• Maximisng response time to provide critical care in an urban environment

Assessing the aeromedical evacuation capacity of the United states Air Force

This presentation gives an insight into pressing challenges of the industry such as transforming en route care, the way ahead - Austere surgery as well as closing the gap on the future between deliverables and research gaps.

2017 Event Attendee List

Download last year's attendee list here to gain an insight into who will be attending this year's event.

MEDEVAC 2018 Sample Attendee List

Ahead of MEDEVAC 2018 we wanted to give you an idea of who to expect at this year's conference. Take a look at our sample attendee list here >>